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Is my leopard gecko pregnant?

22 13:28:15

I want to know if my female leopard gecko is pregnant?  She seems to sit in the same place all day and will once in a while walk around the tank a bit.  She is fat and I am not sure if I can see eggs in her or not.  When I touch her she just sucks that fat back in and she is as skinny as a stick again.  Can you tell me if she is pregnant or not and if you don't know can you tell me how I can check and find out?

If you turn her over and hold her up to the light, you would be able to see the eggs through the thin skin of her abdomen, if they are there.  There would be two, and they are large and oval-shaped.

Leopard geckos store fat in their tail.  If she is healthy, she should have a big, heavy tail that's as wide or wider than she is.