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sick beardie...

22 14:23:38

iv had my beardie since september 18th. for the first week she ate fine, eating medium crickets and few mealworms. it has recently been taken off the mealworms as they arent too good for them, we understand. albeit it hasnt touched her greens. after the week, she began shedding, which i know will cause them to go off there food. it has not eaten anything since then. she has left droppings, which have dropped in size, and consistency, from the normal, dark with white tip, to yellow blob. she has not passed a stool for the last few days now. her eyes are closed most of the day, like she's half asleep. its weight is dropping rapidly. it has UVB lighting. an exo terra 10.o striplight, heat pad underneath the hot end of the tank, red basking light over her logs. temperatures in the hot end reach but do not exceed 85.5f, lowest at night is 71.4f. the substrate is half calci-sand at the feeding side of the tank, with naturebark reptile bedding. it gets sprayed once daily to keep her moistened, and is taking water from a pippette, and has sat in her waterdish for a bath recently (yesterday). i would be extremely greatful fro any advice or help you could give me

many regards, lee

Get rid of the Red Light and get a bright white one.  Bright white light will also produce heat and the light will help wake her up  Get rid of all the particulate substrate!  Babies should be on newspaper, paper towel or my favorite, non adhesive shelf liner (it's washable!)  
Babies can become impacted ingesting calcisand, a product which should be taken off the market's lethal!  Same with bark, it can become moldy with moisture and animal droppings.
Have her seen by a good reptile vet to rule out impaction and check for high gut parasites.