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blue tongue lizards

22 14:22:30

can you tell me why my blue tongue has lumps in its tail

Hi Ian, If the bumps appear at regular intervals and correspond to the position of the spinal vertebrae you might be dealing with a calcium deficiency. The softening and enlarging of the  vertebrae are one of the signs that you may see. Reptiles need a calcium to phosphorous ratio in their diet of around 2 to 1. Most insects are very high in phosphorous and low in calcium which is why it is critical to dust them with calcium to get the calcium/phosphorous ration back in the 2 to 1 range. Cat food is also high in phosphorous, if you have been relying on that as part of the diet. Using a supplement with vitamin D3 will help your skink absorb the calcium more effectively. Exposure to UVB will help.

I have also seen this condition develop as a inherited congenital deformity in snakes that have been inbred. I don't know if it has been observed in other reptiles but if it does not seem diet related that is something to keep in mind.