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Red Eyed Tree Frogs and Crested Geckos

22 14:52:37

I have a Red Eyed Tree Frog and two crested Gecko's.  I've had the tree frog for about 8 months now.  He looks cool but does nothing but sleep all day.  I know this is his nature but it's boring.  I just got two crested gecko's tonight.  Right now they are in separate habitats.  Can they be put in the same habitat ?  Thanks for your time.

Dear Rob,
thank you for your question.
Even herps that have the same needs shouldn't be kept together in one enclosure unless the enclosure is really huge (I'm talking 2 yards edge length here). In smaller enclosures it's not possible to create microhabitats so that the animals can choose the temperature, humidity and surrounding they prefer and you just cannot create enough hiding places and different habitat structures so that they can completely avoid each other to prevent stress.

In the case of your frog and your geckos, their needs don't fit. The geckos need lower humidity during the day and a cooler period during the winter. The frog needs it warm all year round. The geckos might try to hunt and eat the frog and the frog's skin secretes a toxin that's not dangerous for humans, but might be dangerous for the geckos. So I really don't recommend putting them into one enclosure.
I hope I was of some help to you