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LED lighting for aquatic plants & turtles

22 11:42:44

I have 3 female red ear sliders that are 6 years old,they are in a 300 gallon Rubbermaid stock tank which has been in operation for 3 years. I like to feed the turtles water lettuce, water hyacinth, and anacharis that I grow in a pond outside during the summer. I would like to purchase a LED so I can grow these plants in the turtle tank year round. Is there a LED light that can grow aquatic plants and be compatable with the turtles? I currently have a T8, T5, and two Powersun bulbs to provide UVB. My main concern is the health of the turtles.


This is a great question. I'd like to thank you for being a great reptile owner. Most of the questions I get are of the "I dropped my lizard" or "My dog chewed on my snake" variety. I wish I could give you a concrete answer to your question, but honestly I"m not sure. I did a little research and found a couple of places where people were discussing similar situations. Perhaps you can find some info there.

Sorry I could not be of more help.
I wish you and your turtle girls all the best
