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sick water dragon?

22 14:32:14

We have had our water dragon for about 4 years.  For the past few days he has not soaked in his water and will not move from his spot.  I have heard him a couple of times do a type of a cough.  I am not sure what we should do.

Hi Carrie, it sounds as though he may have a respiratory infection (RI) it can be fatal if not caught early enough but most of the time is treatable. You should find a vet to get a correct diagnosis and treatment started. In the mean time raise the temperatures as stated on the link below. He can get better but will need a lot of care. So read up on it and find a vet for him.

Use this site to find a vet near you:

Read this site to learn more about Respiratory Infections in Water Dragons:

Best of luck to you and your water dragon