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Hello I heard that normal...

22 15:10:24

Hello I heard that normal household light bulbs can be used as basking lamps, is this true? if so can the bulb be used in a reflecter hoods that hold a single bulb.

Hello.  I would have to say that you probably should not use a regular household lightbulb in a basking lamp.  Depending on the species that you are keeping, the type of lighting requred for correct husbandry practices varies as far as wattage and some other factors.   Some species require either a spot-basking lamp, or a flood lamp.  If I were you, I would consult a reptile shop with a good reputation for safe husbandry practices.  Also, if you let me know the species you are keeping, I will do my best to help you find the correct lighting setup.  Just send me another message and I will try my best to help you!

Best of luck,
Joseph Glenn