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baby bearded dragon hibernating

22 14:22:19

hey i was wondering if you can give me some info on how to ease my bearded dragons into hibernation and for how long should they hibernate

Dear Dallas,
thank you for your question.
First, make sure they are healthy, al least let a vet check a fecal sample. If everything is okay, stop feeding them to make sure that they have nothing in their bellies when they begin to brumate. If neccessary, bathe them for 15 minutes or so in lukewamr water, that usually get them to poop.

After the two weeks, start to shorten the length of their day from 12 to 6-8 hours over a period of 4-6 weeks, turn off the light half an hour earlier or turn it on later each week or so. They should start to settle down, choosing a spot to sleep, this can be in full view or in a hiding place. Brumation should last at least six weeks, but can be as long as three months. I usually go for 2 months, unless my dragon doesn't want to wake up.

To wake them up again, lengthen their day to 12 hours again over a period of two weeks and statr feeding them as soon as they start to move.

During brumation, they don't need any food, but should have access to fresh water all the time. It's possible that they will get up sometimes and move around a bit. They shouldn't loose any weight during brumation, it's a good idea to check their weight every week or so.

I hope I was of some help to you