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Should I get him company?

22 14:52:09

I have a 2 year old male (i am pretty sure from his behaviors) and sometimes seems a little lonely.  In the wild do they tend to stay in groups or pairs or by themselves?  Should I consider adding some company?  If so, is it safe to put in a baby?  And should I try to get a particular sex?  Thank You for your input...Oh, and its Brumation that is the "hibernation", I experienced it lately and freaked out!!!  Had to research!  Thanks again

Hello the quick anwser is NO, Male/female pairs souldnt be housed together for more then a week for breeding perposes period. If left together all teh time the male will torment the female and breed her over and over and over causing unneeded stress and also laying eggs after eggs after eggs non stop will kill her quickly. Two males will always fight they can not be housed together. THe dragons do not get lonely I have a single male he lives alone with no other dragons in sight and he is content. Furthermore introducing a baby would get it eatten the adult dragon doesnt care what it eats as long as it fits in his mouth and if the baby was too large for  the older dragon to eat he would stress the baby undualingly and would eventually the baby would die from stress related issues.