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found hurt frog

22 15:00:49

our cat has brought in a frog. we arn't sure what species it is. it has a large gash on his back right leg but we believe it should be alright and cant get it to a vet or animal centre. what do wild frogs eat and how should we look after him?

Unfortunately, ectotherms can go south very quickly, especially after a traumatic incident.  The best option, no matter how mild the injury may appear, is to get the animal medical attention.  It is likely that the wound will become infected and you will need a vetrinarian to provide the appropriate antibiotics.  

That said, neosporin *without* pain relief is often a fairly successful method of combating potential infection in animals.  The most important thing you can do for the animal short of getting him medical attention is to keep in in a clean environment free of any and all debris and leave him alone.  

Is he a frog or a toad?  You can tell by looking at his skin -- if it is somewhat slimy he is probably a frog and if it is more dry and warty, he is probably a toad.  If he is a toad, simply keeping a little water dish in his enclosure will be sufficient but if he is a frog, you will need to be certain to provide a water dish large enough for him to soak in.  And either way, you'll want the enclosure to be small so he won't move around much and you'll want to keep it dark most of the time.  

You can feed him brown shelled crickets coated in calcium dust, both of which can be purchased from any pet store that caries reptile supplies.  Only put in one cricket at a time and when you put one in that he doesn't eat, remove it immediately.

Best of luck, and I hope the little guy pulls through for you.