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My beardie is acting strange

22 14:36:24

Hi, My beardie is 14 months old and doing quite well. My mom even potty trained her to go outside. She loves the outdoors so we got her a harness and even a little sweater to keep her wram during the cold months. She went through hybernation just fine,(her first) and she's been eating good but latley(about a month and a half ago), she's been bobbing her head up and down. She dosen't do all the time and it normally just lasts a few seconds. She'll do it while looking out the wwindow and sometimes when she looks at me. Do you know why she does this?, I want to know if she's ok, she doesn't seem sick but I want to be sure..

 She's communicating.  It's very normal.  Beardies have a gestural language that is fascinating.  Here's some great videos, if you have Quicktime that will show you a couple of the gestures.  Then an article from Dr. Tosney on communicating with a beardie: