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bearded dragoon

22 14:03:25

i actually have a couple of questions.

#1. does the color of his sand affect his color of his skin?

#2. my bearded dragon(named bob by the way) has been with me for about two years now and i had gotten him when he was already grown. how much time do you think i have left with him? Also i feed him mealworms and occasionally collard greens but its mostly always mealworms. Is that good for his health or am i not feeding him properly and could that affect his lifespan?

Sand would affect the skin as much as it could dye it.  They die the sands and if the dye rubs off he could change colors.

They can live well over 10 years.  You need to vary the diet and expand your salad.  And make sure you feed your prey items!!!  Very important to do that.