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Length of Brumation

22 14:38:44

QUESTION: Good Morning, (It's 9:21am in Toronto right now ;-)
My BD Renata has been sleeping since Nov. She slowed down alot in Oct. but full brumation since Nov. NOw I'm wondering when she will be up and STARVING. I want to have plenty of fresh crickets on hand but I need an idea of WHEN. OR can I wake her now. Yes I have kept her hydrated and all. (Thank God for all the info on the net or I would be one crazed momma right now ..LOL..  Please help I want to be there for her but I just dont know When Where or How.
Thanx so much for your time and Care.
All the Best,   Wendy

ANSWER:   Hehe, I have a girl who has been out cld since September so I understand.  They usually wake up a few weeks before breeding season starts.  Some wake sooner than others.  There is no real way of telling, except that believe it or not, they do not wake up hungry.  It takes a week or two for he metabolism to return to normal. When she wakes, order the bugs, then just offer a good salad till the bugs come, that works for me.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Forgive my ignorance ---- breeding season starts WHEN? My son and his wife have a new baby daughter (I'm a first time Gramma) But now I am the BD's caretaker and 1 Chinese Water Dragon that is just GREAT since I got him a HUGE tank. Sorry ... back to the girls Malory & Renata. 1 is in full brumation and the other is in and out. I was worried but you sure put my mind at ease there. Thanx again..Breeding Time??

ANSWER:  Give or take end of February, early March.  Once the days get noticeably longer they will start waking.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: WOW! So then that would be Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. and then maybe March! And as I had said she started around mid Oct. And she is only a year and a bit so this is her first one. But what you are telling me is that this is all normal. The only reason  I'm getting concerned is the last couple of weeks when I check on her (and her hydrating time)I've noticed some weight loss. Not alot I just keep a good eye on her and I noticed it. She has not been one to eat and go back to sleep she is just a straight out sleeper as Malory will eat and sleep. Please just give me the heads up on what to do from now till she's back to playing and walking around with me ;-) I truly love these sweet things and they have personality's all on their own. Plus I'm not one to ask a bunch of people the same questions. I take advice from one so that I dont go crazy with everyones opinions. You seem to really know your stuff and sound caring. Thanx for being here for us newbies. Maybe someday I'll have enough knowledge to help others but for now - YOU ARE MY SENSEI :-)
Thanks so much Pam,
Just Learning, Wendy

 Brumation should not cause any noticeable weight loss at all.  If you are hydrating with a needleless syringe, then I would start giving her soupy babyfood butternut squash instead so that she is replacing calories and making her bask for at least two hours after.  She may be reacting to any severe weather you may be experiencing rather than brumating.  Usually, only full adults brumate a whole winter, my Aingeal, who has been out cold since September, is over 6 years old.  She may wake up with the basking and food.  If so, just give her salad till she's fully awake.  Vegetable matter in slowed digestive system is better than having animal protein in it.
Yoy are not alone, these questions are popping up in the yahoo e-mail groups devoted to bearded dragons.  You may be interested in joining one.  There is Pogona, which I am one of the moderators, and Bearded_Dragon_Community, another excellent group.  Great support for new owners who want to do what's best for their dragon friends.