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Small Black Snake/Worm

22 14:42:53


Hello, my sisters were in the backyard when they found a very small black snake, I caught it and went to try to find out what it was. I don`t know if it is a snake or a worm, and if it is a snake, I don`t know if it is poisonous; though I know all of the poisonous snakes where I live. Please help if you can.
*Black and glossy with no markings
*A Reddish Stomach
*Very Thin
*Only a few inches long
*Body is same width from head to tail
*No difference between head and rest of the body
*Moves like a snake

Hi Danielle, Yes, you did find a snake and it is completely harmless. Those are known as "slender blind snakes" and live most of their lives underground feeding on insects and larva.
I linked this site about them.