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Leopard gecko and Fat tailed gecko

22 15:09:51

I have a leopard gecko and he is about 5 1/2in to 6in, i have him in a 10 gal tank and i was wondering if i should get a longer tank? I also am getting a fat tailed gecko, i was wondering if i could  house them together and if not what tanks should i have for them? And how do the fat tailed geckos react to being handled comepared to the leo?


    Thanks for your questions.  I would say that for one adult leopard gecko, the minimun cage size should be a 10 gallon tank.  Ideally, the best would be a twenty gallon tank.  As far as housing a leo and a fat tailed gecko together, I would probably advise you not to.  Leopard geckos are much more active than Fat Tails, even though they are very similar in shape and looks.  I just feel that it is best to keep them in separate tanks.  I think you will have no problem keeping a Fat Tail if you are able to successfully keep a Leopard gecko.  They are very hardy animals.
    Fat Tails are very good to handle, once they become aquainted with you.  Like I mentioned before, they are very docile and will most likely just rest on your hand.  
    If you have any more questions, please do not hesitate to ask me!

Best of luck,
Joseph Glenn