Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > bearded dragon is balooned up,impacted

bearded dragon is balooned up,impacted

22 13:31:00

my beardy is 9 months old and he is puffed up like a baloon and he really cant move his legs he is been like this for over 10 hours what do i do?? he did poop a runny poop about 8 hours ago normal amount more runny

Hello Gary,

What has impacted your dragon?  Do you house him on sand, or walnut substrate?
You will need to get some canned pumpkin, sugar free applesauce, squash baby food, & mix that all together.  Then, put in a couple of drops of olive or mineral oil with the small amount of food to feed him.  
Try bathing him daily, & gently massage his belly starting at the arm pit all of the way down to the vent, on the right side of the body.

Keep his tank around 80 at night, to help keep his metabolism a little boosted.  
If he does not pass it soon, you will need to get him to a vet for some help.
Do not feed him any solid foods at all, until the impaction is taken care of.  
Let me know how he is doing.
