Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > tegus


22 14:34:50

a tegu sounds like pretty cool reptile and im considering geting 1 in the future. im just woundering wat r ur good and bad outlooks on tegus? like r they hard to take care of or over breed, or r they nice and rewarding to have and take care of

 Tegus are awesome looking reptiles, but they are hard to socialize and should not be kept in the house with other animals or smll children.  They have a bad bite.  I would not consider breeding them.  They also require housing the size of a large bathroom or small bedroom, special zoo grade UVB lighting and heating.  I do not own one myself, but I have good friends who do.  A socialized tegu takes almost a year of work with lots of one on one time, so I would not recommend them to young people still in school.