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Sick Mediterranean House Gecko

22 11:53:52


A few weeks ago our mediterranean house gecko started shedding. He got about everything peeled off except what was on his feet, and he couldn't hunt (eat) or climb up things and could barely walk because of all the piled up skin on his feet. We used some tweezers and gently removed the bulk of it. He was able to eat after that. However this morning when we checked on him he was curled in a ball and didn't run away when we got near (he normally does). This afternoon when we got home he was lying on his back, a chalky white color and he looked dead. We thought he was until a few hours later we realized he was up and in a different place in the tank, on his feet, breathing. He is a chalky white color though and we're worried about him. Do you have any advice?

Hello Brianne,

Wow, that is very strange behavior.
What type of foods do you feed him?  Does he get calcium fairly regularly?
The off color means he is ill & not feeling well.  Do you have any pictures
of him I could see?
Has he lost weight since he had the trouble with the shedding?  Do you have
a moist humid hide in his tank for him?  What are the temperatures that you
are keeping him at?
