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maybe a broken foot

22 14:35:57

I just got a leopard gecko from my friends cousin. he came in a very small cage with nothing in it really. so i moved him to a 20 gal. anyway as i was cleaning his cage today i noticed that his foot looks broken. its his left front foot. its seems to be twisted out and he walks on the side of the foot. just wondering what i could do to help?

Hello Colton,

Oh geez, how in the world did that happen?  Did he have the foot problem before you got him?  
Well, I would say that for a broken foot, you should probably take him in to see the vet as it would be pretty painful for you to set it yourself.  
Are the rest of his hands & feet doing ok?  
Right now, you should try to find a vet that you can take him in to see.  I would take anything out of the tank that he could hurt himself on though, so, try to keep him from climbing, also just to further his injury any.

Let me know how he is doing.
