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Leopard gecko hatchling. HELP

22 13:58:21

it just hatched about an hour ago, how long until i put it into the tiny tank i made? i need to know ASAP.

 Hatchlings should stay in the incubator at least 24-48 hours after hatching to absorb the eggs sac safely.  After that, they can go into the tank.  Make sure you keep him on a non particulate substrate like paper towel, newspaper, or my favorite, easy to clean non-adhesive shelf liner.  He should have a warm hide and a humid hide like his parents.  Keep the tank as humid as possible, misting frequently to keep him hydrated.  He will be absorbing yolk for a few days so don't worry about him eating for near a week.  see what he does with one cricket after about four days, always removing it if he doesn't eat it in about ten minutes.  When he starts eating, then offer one at a time till he stops wanting them.  If you need to be at work, order some phoenix worms and keep them in a shallow dish.  These show moving, highly nutritious soft bodied worms will keep him from getting too hungry when you are not there.