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leopard gecko only eating crickets

22 14:25:19

I have a 1 year old female leopard gecko, and about 2 months ago, I decided to give her some store bought crickets along with her mealworms. Now, she won't eat anything that isn't a cricket. The problem is that the closest place that sells crickets is an hour away. Why isn't she eating the mealworms and how can I encourage her to eat them?

Tess, I've had many picky leopards, I even had one that would only each pinky mice.  I can't solve the picky problem but I might be able to help with the supply one.  Crickets are available online from many suppliers.  If you are in the state of FL look up Lucky Lure, they are great folks and will mail your crickets right to your house.  If you are not in FL but are in the Eastern US I'd recommend Armstrong Crickets, again great folks who can set you up.  If are out west try LLL Reptiles (not a cricket farm, but I think they sell them) or some other local company which supplies crickets.  You can have a 1000 crickets delivered to your door for less than $15 is most places.  And sure, you don't need a 1000 but order the crickets a size or two smaller and then you'll have a 2-3 week supply.  The cricket farms can set you up with custom made foods, water(s)(ers), and even caging!  Hope this helps, B