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Gender of Gekko gecko

22 13:35:31

How may I identify the gender of Gekko gecko? I know that there are some differences in preanal pores between genders. But WHAT the difference is and how it looks like, I don't know ((( Can you help me with this?

Hi Prisya,

The difference is mostly with the size and prominience of the pores rather then the actual number. The pores form an upside down "v" shape just above the vent. They release a waxy substance for territorial marking and this waxy substance gathers in the pores of males (that are at least close to a year old) making them look larger and a little darker then the pores on females. The pores on females tend to look just like small pinprick marks in the middle of each scale. The pores are males are larger, as if there is a tiny "cork" or "plug" inserted in the middle of each scale.
Males are also usually larger animals with very triangular heads. They tend to have slightly brighter orange and blue spotting as well. The males are more consistently vocal at night although the females can bark. The presence of hemi-penile bulges in the tail of the males can also help you confirm gender with this species but the difference is not as obvious as it is with other species. The base of female tails can also look a bit thickened. It is, of course, always easier if you happen to have a few animals to compare.

These are the best photos that I could find that show both male and female pre-anal pores.

This has a good shot of a male:

The one in this photo looks female to me: