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What species is this?

22 13:35:31

I found a lizard on a road and i didn't want him to get run over so i caught him and i decided to look up what type of species he or her is! He has the pattern of a Texas Alligator lizard and he has scales that look like horns and they stick up. His belly is blue. His head is round and he has light brown eyes. I just want to see if he's poisonous to see if i can touch him or not! If you can answer my question today that'd be great!   Thanks!

Hi Midori,
The chance of it being poisonous is about 0% as there are only 2 known species that are poisonous..the Gila monster and the bearded lizard.Not knowing where you are  located really makes it tough to even venture a guess as to the species you found. With a blue belly, I believe the only species that has that is a fence lizard.  You may want to do a google search on "fence lizard" as there are several species of them and the area you are in will generally dictate the species there.
Here is a link so that you may be able to pick out the one that you saw.

With all reptiles in the wild, they can and do carry diseases that can harm humans and humans can transpose to other reptiles.
As with most reptiles, they do have teeth and will bite when needed.  Many also will drop their tail when threatened which can cause great stress to the lizard and makes them a target for other animals to hunt them down.  I would just enjoy the lizard in its natural environment and watch how it interacts with its to not handle them other than for a few seconds, and of course, with caution.  Be sure to use a good hand sanitizer after handling.
Of course no one should ever take a reptile from the wild to try and keep as a pet.  That is generally a death sentence for the reptile. Also, many lizards have defense mechanisms such as emitting a spray, something else to be aware of!!!!