Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > help!!! ASAP please

help!!! ASAP please

22 14:46:13

QUESTION: I need help, I have no clue what to do. My anole is very unresponsive, having periodic convulsions, eyes half closed. I believe this is due to the fact that I fed him a mealworm yesterday. Only recently did i find out this can cause indegestion. No one told me this before. What can I do? Will my anole live? What kind of vet do you recomend if i cannot help? what supplies? ANYTHING.

ANSWER: I'm sorry but the only thing you can do is take him to the vet. Right away. It might be from the mealworm or something else. You need to find a vet locally that deals with reptiles I know a site with recommended herp vets just look up your area and see what you can find.
I hope he is ok and gets better soon, sorry you have to go through this.
Good luck!!!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: will you please spread the word about mealwormsand small lizards? Thank you for your help, though my anole had to be euthanized, the indegestion meant certain death in this case...Should have done more research on the cons of mealworms...

I am very sorry for your loss. Its good that you did what you could. Don't blame yourself. And I am always telling people not to use mealworms. With any lizard. The hard outer shell is what causes the problem. Well I am sorry there wasn't anything else I could do to help you. Again I am sorry and the most you can do is research everything you can in order to ensure the next lizard you own will be thuroughly happy in everyway.