Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > uromastyx tale rot

uromastyx tale rot

22 13:55:48

can i use neosporin on my male mali urpmastyx tale rot hes had it for a couple of weeks now?. Also will the tale rot leave scars on his tale forever?Most importantly is it fatal?Contagous i have a female in there to?IM worried plz help!!!

Hello Torin,

Can you post a picture of that for me?
What has caused the tail rot, an injury or retained shed?  It can become fatal if there is an infection that goes systemic & is left untreated.
I would treat that with diluted betadine solution along with the neosporin ointment, daily to help that area.  
He will lose part of the tail that is or becomes necrotic yes, & it will not grow back.  I need to know the cause of the tail rot, & have you taken him to see a vet?
