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Bearded dragon thats a fussy eater

22 13:32:44

QUESTION: Hello, I have a 3 month old beardede dragon who is about 4 and a half inches long from snout to tail base. I've had him about a month now and when i first got him I was told to feed him small crickets but he wouldn't eat them so I eventually changed to feeding him small locusts as this was all that he would eat. That was fine until recently when I started to introduce different things into his diet such as fruit/veg, Exo-terra brand juvanile dragon food (small pellets that i leave available to him all day) and wax worms (i've fed him 1 or 2 at a time but only once or twice a week as a treat). He very rarely nibbles the Exo-terra pellets or the fruit/veg but as of yesterday lunch time he is refusing to eat any locusts at all. I tend to feed him two or three times a day depending on how much he eats at a time, dusting one feeding a day with multivit/calcium. I know that there isn't anything wrong with him as when I show him a wax worm he goes straight for it, so he is hungry and wanting food but he won't eat the locusts now. Is there any live insects that i can feed him that will give him enough nutrients inplace of locusts except crickets as he doesn't eat these either? I know that he is too small for most "worms" but I don't want to keep feeding him the wax worms as I know these are supposed to only be used as treats and fed sparingly. He is still quite active and happy other than this and he does know that the locusta are there as he sits and watches them but doesn't chase them. I've also tried hand feeding him as he does usually take food from my hand but he's just not interested in them. Any help you can give me on this matter would be very much appreciated and if he stops feeding completely I will take him straight to the vets.

ANSWER: First of all Sarah, Great job and feeding and changing diets and heck just everything you've done so far is great.  I would try and see if he would take small meal worms and if you want you can find micro worms as well but I would say without a doubt he would be able to take small meal worms without a problem.  Also be sure to check out my site this week I am covering Bearded Dragons and their care.  

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hello again, thanks for the info. I researched feeding guides and husbandry extensively for bearded dragons before I bought one I just didn't expect to get such a fussy eater. I had a review of the vivarium set up recently because the UVB bulb I had been given with the vivarium was the wrong strength but now I've upgraded to a 10.0 rep-glo exo-terra D3 UVB bulb and everything seems fine. He doesn't appear to have suffered any effects from it. I've tried him with mealworms yesterday and today and he seemed quite interested in them at first but now he doesn't seem too bothered, he is eating a few each time though. Is there any other "worms" that I can feed him that he might eat? He is starting to shed again so it may just be because he is shedding. the last time he shed he would eat a lot one day then very little the next. As I said he is eating small amounts and does seem interested in food as long as its wax worms. I'm not too worried about him at the moment but if he stops eating entirely then I will take him to the vets. I'm not currently able to get on to your website, is there anyway that you could e-mail me the info or even send me a link to the page in an e-mail?

Well thats a good thing.  Shedding is a pretty rough process so it may be that he is just uncomfortable at this time.  so I would give him a week or so.  I would stick with the mealworms for now.  Also I don't have your email in order to send the site so if you'd like to email me directly you can do so is the address and it usually only takes a day for me to get back to you.