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box turtles mating behavior

22 14:45:56

There is a pair of mating box turtles in my backyard.  The male is almost lying on his back.  It would appear that he might be in distress.  I have seen box turtles mating before, and the male was able to stay on top of the female.  Should I try to help?  I tried to prop him on top of the female, but their shells don't seem to be shaped correctly.  The female is trying to get away and is dragging the male in a reclining position. OUCH!

Hi Kathy! It's really nice of you to try to help the turtles procreate, but I think it might be a bit more stressful for them with you attempting to aid them in that endeavor. If it looks like either of the pair has flipped over on his or her back and can't right themselves, then I would give them a hand and turn them right side up, but otherwise let nature take it's course. It's possible the female is doing a good job preventing a mating that she isn't keen on. I have seen that before in aquatic turtles, and it does look awkward. Thanks for the question! Nicole