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22 14:34:14

QUESTION: my fiance was handling his red eyed tree frog when he got done parts of the frog on its back were a different shade of green is his frog ok? what do you think the problem could be?

ANSWER: Hello Skylar,

Well, they do have a tendency to try & blend in with their surroundings.  Were the shades of green lighter than the rest of his body?  Did he appear stressed?  
Just varying temperatures are enough for them to change colors on ocassion.  No worries.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: As you asked my fiances frog when it changed colors was a lighter green and it appeared its heart was beating fastly.  Also as another question is there a way for his frog to get use to him so that he won't be so scared?

Hello Skylar,

Well, he must have been a bit scared a litle bit.  How old is his frog?
Normally though, they do get stressed fairly easily & don't like to be handled much.  Unfortunately, they never do become totally accustomed to being handled.   Sometimes, it can be harmful on their skin.
So I would limit handling of him, so he is not overly stressed.
