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Beardie question.

22 14:42:15

Hey my beardie just layed non fertile eggs like 2 weeks ago.  I have male and female about a little over a year old.  From what I gather they lay eggs multipe times a few weeks apart.  Now do you think those eggs have a chance of being fertile?  Thanks man

No, going multiple weeks in between egg laying is not normal. If she still has eggs and does not lay them all within a few days of one another, then she may be having problems. This is more likely given the age you told me. That's a bit young for a female to be breeding. You take a chance with her life. If she is still digging and squatting over a hole like she's trying to lay eggs, then soak her in warm water. I suggest if she gets lethargic or loses appetite at all you take her in to the vet for x-rays to make sure she is not egg bound. Egg binding is often fatal, so do not procrastinate on getting her checked.   

Is there a "chance" they are fertile? I guess, if you keep a male and female together. But you said they were not fertile, so I don't understand. Eggs must be kept upright in the same position they were laid or you will kill them. You can check them by candling them with a bright light. If you see veins and a dark mass, they are fertile. Do a websearch for candling and incubation.