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Active Male Beardred Dragon

22 11:54:12

My male bearded dragon (+/- 2years old) has been very active the last two days. He wants out of his cage and then once out he dose not stop running around. He has not eaten for about 5 days now but is drinking water. We seem to be having a heat wave her in South Africa and I am not sure if he is just enjoying the heat or if something is wrong. Please advise.

Hi Kim,

The heat can definitely make them more active but I suspect hormones are the stronger influence in his case. Spring is typically the breeding season for beardeds and most other reptiles. The males can become very active and restless in their cages and often go off their food as other "appetites" take over! Occasionally, male beardeds can become a bit aggressive during this period but it passes in time. You may notice him displaying a darkened "beard" as well