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Leopard geckos health

22 13:53:32

My Leopard Gecko has for the past few days has had her eyes closed almost as if she been sleeping. The weird part is she isn't she's been walking around it's like she's sleepwalking, but she knows when my hand is in front of her. I've with given her plenty of baths but to hot and not to many. I've been feeding her every 2 days like I read on the Internet and 5 meal items to. I don't know what to do. Please reply.

Hello Jacob,

Can you post a picture of your leopard gecko for me?  How old is she currently?
What are the temperatures in the tank right now?  Do you use an undertank heater along with a basking light on the warm side?  She needs a hot spot of around 88-90 with a cooler end around 78-82.  
How have you been feeding her?  Insects?  If she is not eating very well, you can try to get some chicken or turkey babyfood to try & feed her with a plastic syringe or plastic dropper.  Just drop some food onto the end of the nose to see if she will lick that off.
Try using some sterile saline solution to help wash the eyes out with.  Do her eyes look like they are matted closed, or infected in any way?
Do you have a moist humid hide in the tank on the warm side for her to aid in shedding?
