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9 month old mali uromastyx

22 11:53:27

We just got a 9 month old mali uromastyx. We are not sure if its a male or female just yet. He/She seems to sleep alot. I have to move his tail to make sure he still alive. We do get him out at least once a day for 5 minutes and he wakes up. He is shedding. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hello Peggy,

What is your tank setup like?
Do you have any UVB lighting for him & if so, what type & brand do you have?
What are the temperatures in your tank & what type of thermometer are you using?
Do you have any pictures of him for me?

He or she may be going through some relocation stress from being rehomed, this is normal.  
However, please review your tank setup with me to ensure his lighting is correct.
What foods have you been offering him?
