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my female anole broke her leg

22 14:33:28

my female Carolina Anole broke her back right leg and looks horrible its twisted around 540 degrees, she is still able to move around but shes just dragging her leg  what should i do?

Hi Adrian

I want to start out with:
I am NOT medically trained, I have no veterinarian experience. I can not give diagnoses, or recommended treatments. This answer is going to be my opinion and information I have read about. I will not be responsible for anything that goes wrong. It is your call what you do I am just stating my opinion and giving you information that I know about and have read online. This is in no way a treatment or medical procedure. For best results contact a certified veterinarian in your area. Email or call a vet for information as to what you can/should do. If they require you go in and see them then thats what needs to be done.

Now we should be clear on that.

- The best you can do like I said is a vet visit. You want to be sure the enclosure is kept clean and sanitary to prevent any possible infection. Find out how she broke her leg if there is anything she got it stuck on in the enclosure or what have you. Be sure to give easy food and water access such as a type of worm instead of crickets because the worms are easier to hunt then fast little crickets. Silkworms are nutritious and good for her. If the leg is extremely twisted then I would almost want to help it into place but I DO NOT KNOW about that. I am not telling you to do so, just an idea. Call your vet for information about that because a lot can go wrong. A break will heal, many reptiles are living today with broken legs and once they heal they are able to move around somewhat normal. But you dont want it to heal in such a way that it will be too difficult for her. I am not sure what else you can do as I really have experience or knowledge of what to do with this. I am sorry I couldn't be of more help

Best of luck and I hope she is ok for a list of vets in your area
