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snakes green tree python

22 14:16:15

OK my green tree has a prolapse and not sure how it happened i cant make it to vet until monday so what should i keep him in until then, or is there something i can do to possibility make it go away. what the sugar water thing some people talk about?

Hi Kyle, The sugar water treatment uses osmosis to gently draw some fluid out of the prolapsed tissue which can help it retract. As a side benefit, high sugar solutions are also anti-bacterial. You need to soak the prolapse in a super saturated sugar/water solution, ie. as much sugar as will dissolve in the water.

The key thing until Monday is to keep the tissue clean, lubricated and not injured. Saline (the saline used for contact lenses) is the best thing to rinse the tissue with, plain water is O.K but it can cause the tissue to swell. Any type of lubricant like vaseline, K-Y or even cooking oil can be used to keep the tissue from drying out. If you can gently move the tissue back into the vent with a Q-tip then that can help protect the tissue temporarily. He will still need to see your vet ASAP even if the tissue can be moved back in.   Check his branches for any rough areas that could tear the prolapse. If he is no longer up in his branches then remove any particle substrate and replace it with newspaper for now. You don't want anything clinging to the tissue.
If the tissue drys out it can become necrotic (dead) and this can lead to infection and also the loss of that tissue. If he is a confirmed male then then this could be a hemipene that has prolapsed which is preferable to it being part of his digestive tract. He may lose his hemipene but he can still breed, if that is your plan for him.

There is usually some underlying cause for a prolapse to occur which your vet will need to investigate. Intestinal parasites are a common cause. Good luck with the vet appointment.