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Fat tailed leopard Gecko

22 14:16:14

I was given a FTLG about a year ago by one of my students.  I was taking her back and forth to school weekly, but this past Christmas break she was at home for a long time.  When I finally took her back, she didn't eat much and for four days didn't go to the bathroom.  She is very regular, almost everyday.  So I decided to bring her back home, that night she ate and went, that was a week ago.  The past few days she hasn't eaten much.  I usually feed her daily at least 6-8 crickets, crickets is all she will eat.  She does have the repti-cal in her cage, it is so cute to see her licking it.  She loves to get out and walk all over my house.  I don't let her do it everyday and sometimes I think she is mad when I don't let her and that is why she won't eat on those days.  Do they have any hibernation habits during the winter?  I am in Texas and we have been having a lot of cold weather.  She has the white day and red night lights, a heater under her 20 gal tank a shed box I keep wet and the wood tunnel.  She is very spoiled and has a real cute personality.  I have never owned anything like her but being a science lab teacher, I have acquired fish, and three black clawed african frogs.  Your answer to my question is appreciated.  Thanks, Beverly

 There could be two factors.  When the homes ambient temperature goes down, so does tank temperature, so unless you have a digital thermometer with a probe, you may not catch the difference, Strip, analog, and stick on thermometers can be off by 20 degrees either way and she just may be too cool to eat enough.
 Second is relocating her.  This can cause stress and a rise in gut parasites.  If she is seen by a good reptile vet, have a fecal done. If not, she needs a checkup.  This way, she can have any possible parasite levels contained with medication, followed by a probiotic, her eating should get better. Sorry I'm late, I had lost my mom and I needed more time off than I thought.