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Eyelash Crested Gecko & possible prolapse

22 14:37:14

QUESTION: My son has a 6 inch (head to tail) Eyelash Crested Gecko(we believe to be about 8 months old). Last night there was (what we thought to be) fecal matter that he was having difficulty passing (it was sticking out of his anal glands). By this evening it is now a VERY large piece (probably the size of two crickets) sticking completely out of his body, but still attached inside (it now looks like an internal organ). The part that is still attached to the anal gland is red & looks like tissue. The part sticking out (about 1/8 of an inch) is brownish/black and very large. Almost looks like a testicle sack. I've just read about prolapse, but I'm not sure whether this is the problem, nor do I have any idea what to do for this poor little critter. He (we think it's a "he")will not eat either this evening (which is so unlike him).
Thank you so much.

ANSWER: Hi Nikki,
I want to add this to my answer:
are you also feeding him babyfood fruits, which they need and also here is a good care sheet on the crested:

Hi Nikki,
Yes, it sounds like a prolapse for sure...
you want yo remove any loose substrates such as sand, litter, bark, etc and place him on just plain paper towels.  You can soak in in a warm bath which will clean off any debris from it.  They you can take gauze that is soaked in a heavy sugar solution and place it on the prolapse.  This sometimes works to shrink the tissue to go back in place.  Get him into a vet and on the way there, keep the soaked (dripping) gauze with the sugar solution on him which will help prevent it from drying out.  The vet may be able to push it back into place or may have to remove it if it is a hemipene prolapse.
To find a qualified vet in your area you can go to

These can be caused from dehydration, blockages from internal parasites, too large of food and for no known real reason. Do keep food from him until the problem is resolved but offer water.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi Diane. Nevermind my last question, I took the moist paper towel out and just put a dry one in instead.
Thank goodness I re-read your first directions (I was so paniced about keeping him moist that I thought it would help, but obviously it wasn't smart b/c that would have been TOO cold for him)

**Can't you tell I've never cared for such a pet? We own dogs! LOL

ANSWER: As long as he isn't below his cool daytime temperatures, he will be fine.
I went from dogs(still have of course) to reptiles..and wow!! what a change that is..and its a continual learning process!!  3 igs, 2 leopard geckos and a ball python(all rescues) keep my nose in books much of the time.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: AH, I think it's just time I get this little guy to the Vet so I can relax a bit!!! This is like watching a newborn baby making sure he's ok and breathing! Thank goodness my son is in school so he can't see my panic! LOL

WOW, a python? How big is it? My son would love that (he had a "Critter Party" when he was 7 and this man brought a HUGE yellow and white python into MY home! (I still can't believe I agreed to that! LOL It was so cool though). I've never been a big reptile person, but I can admit I have grown quite found of his little gecko and feel like mother hen with him today.

Yes, every time I try to put the sugar coating on, he's sqirming out of my hands trying to get away. I was able to swab it on with a q-tip while he was lying on the ground, so I'll keep doing that & moisten those towels up again. What happens if he tries to eat the sugar? He was just licking it a few minutes ago Will this hurt him?

Thanks again!  

Ball pythons do not get big....avg size is only 4 ft..5 at the most....
Don't let him lick too much of may  get him to acquire a taste for his needed fruit. I would go more for a good soaking of the sugar water over applying with a q tip. maybe a dunk of that area in the pan every so often..the key is keeping the area moist until the vet..and on the way to the vet, do your very best in keeping it moist.  You can use a container as I mentioned, place a hot water bottle(or bottles filled with water that will stay with out rolling around, cover it with a small towel or wash cloth, then place the wet gauze, or what ever you have soaked with the sugar water on top that...
that will help keep the area moist and keep him warm enough on the trip to the vet...if needed you can refill the water bottles at the vets...
I'm leaving here now for about an hour, so bear with me if you have any questions. Actually, it might be better if you email my private email That way, its not tying up all experts and maxing out my questions for the day.  I will reply as soon as I get back.