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Fire Belly Toads and misc.

22 15:01:24

My girlfriend has a like 3 tanks all with different animals in them. They are all rather small. One contains two fire belly toads, another has two turtles <water sliders or something like that> and the other has a hermit crab. Would it be ok to buy her one huge aquarium and combine all of these? It seems they are all at the same temp etc. The only thing i am worried about are the fire belly toads, I heard that they can be poisonous.

Dear Neal,
thank you for your question.
Those three species cannot be kept in one tank. They need different temperatures and humidity, the fire bellies toads are indeed poisonous to other animals, the turtles would try to eat anything else in their tank and the crab might drown in the aquatic part of the tank unless (they can survive underwater, but need a way out).
Hermit crabs are very social, so I recommend getting at least one more crab to keep it company. Here's a good website on them:
I hope I was of some help to you