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Hibernation of tortoises

22 14:32:02

What are the benefits of putting captive tortoises into hibernation? Obviously hibernation in the wild enables them to cope with scarce food availability and colder weather but what benefits does it provide to them in captivity?
Thank you

Hi Jemima,  I have really not come across any compelling evidence to suggest that the benefits of artificial hibernation out-weigh the numerous potential risks involved. The main exception would be for those keepers working in conservation or with rare species as it does boost fertility. I've  heard theories that suggest that a yearly hibernation period results in a longer lifespan but I'm not sure what evidence that is based on. These species live for several decades making it virtually impossible to collect any meaningful data on their lifespans and the variables that may affect them.
I keep mostly redfoots which are a tropical non-hibernating species. I also keep a N. American box turtle. My practice with him is simply to accomodate any reduced activity/appetite level he demonstrates over the winter. I don't actively hibernate him or alter his environment.