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Wild Diet

22 15:00:59

Hey Diane. Got another question for you. What wild flowers and plants can I give my BD. And what can't I give him. Thanks for all your help on this! :)  

Hi Carson,
Since there is many plants that are and aren't safe, I like to give a link to the information so that you can bookmark it and refer to it over and over as needed.
With wild plants, 100% identification is a must!!!A few very helpful sites on what are and are not safe plants can be found at
here you will find links with pictures of various plants keep in mind that this is a "human" page but helps to see pictures of plants.
With my iguanas, I offer them some wild grape leaves, wild violet flowers and leaves, wild strawberry leaves and flowers,plantain, (both broadleaf and narrow leaf), clovers, and a few others I am sure I have forgotten.  With these plants, I only offer a small amount on occasion in addition to their regular mix of the correct greens.

Another helpful site on bearded dragons is at: