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General Crested Gecko questions.

22 13:25:45

Hello, I have a few question about my gecko spot.

First off he is a 6 month old male crested gecko. I purchased him from a breeder about a week or so ago. I know it's hard to tell if he is male or female at that age, but he relesaed the clear white "seamen" twice so far.

Anyway my question is about cage. I have him in a 10 gallon right now. I know thats too small for him and I was wondering about 2 cages to get him. this exo terra cage


which is better?

Also he has a problem eating. He loves his crickets but I can not get him to eat his CGD. I try to force feed him but he hates it. He is very active and loves being held and I know he is not stressed.

My next question is about heating/humidity.

For the new cage should I be set with a flurescent light and a small heat pad? I have a thermostat and it doesn't get above 78. The thing is with the thermostat is that it doesn't go below 70-71 at night is this okay?

My humidity is a big issue too. I have an anolog thermometer(I know that suck and if you know a good digital one lmk) and I have calibrated it. For some reason it drops really fast and i have to mist it more than 7 times a day to keep it up. He is always near the top of the tank where the vents are which worries me to the fact that is too humid or too hot.

I know I asked a lot and thank you for responding!

It's most likely urates that he is releasing, not semen.  Reptiles produce 3 forms of waste--feces (usually brown), white chalky paste (urates), and liquid urine.  So, their droppings are very much like a bird's.  A mix of urine and urates would look like a clear white liquid.  He wouldn't be releasing semen before he was mature, and even then, it wouldn't look like a liquid.

The Acrylic Atrium is overall the better choice if your main concern is space and air flow.  It's really ideal for crested geckos.  It is less sturdy than the Exo-Terra, and you have to assemble it, but it's a much more suitable cage.

As for his diet, dusted crickets alone simply aren't adequate for crested geckos, so he'll need to be convinced to accept the CGD.  I think your first step should be to contact the breeder, and find out what the breeder was feeding him.  Perhaps it's simply a matter of using a different brand or flavor.  If the breeder was using a homemade mix of fruit puree or baby food, however, you don't want him to continue eating that--it's far too difficult to create a balanced diet using baby food and fruit.  However, it would give you a starting point.  Offer whatever the breeder was feeding him, and once he's learned where the food cup is, mix in increasing amounts of CGD until he's eating pure CGD.  If for some odd reason the breeder only gave him insects, then I recommend starting with peach or mango babyfood, to give him the taste for it.  You could also use one of the new Repashy flavored treat nectars.  Then, gradually mix in the CGD until he's switched over.

I had to do the same thing with my imported Lygodactylus williamsi--they wouldn't even sniff at the CGD, so I gave them peach babyfood, and then mixed CGD in until that's all they were eating.  They now enjoy straight CGD with the same enthusiasm they had for the babyfood, and it makes up about half of their diet.  (A crested gecko can be maintained on it without any additional food at all).