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house lizards

22 14:52:21

I live in an apartment in Krugersdorp, South Africa.
Recently three little lizards/gechos (don't know the difference) moved in. I don't know what they eat. I never see them drink water from my doggie, Kimmie's bowl. Should I just leave them to mind their own business or put them outside to live free or just let them be?

Hi Merryl,
Its best to put them back outside if you are able to get them.  Chances are, you will have more come into your home at some point and time also.  
With them being in the house, you(they) run the risk of Kimmie getting them. Its common in many places for geckos and other lizards to find their way into homes where they are native to the area.  On a good note, while they are in your home, they help to take care of any spiders or other little insects that may be lurking!!!
Thanks for your question and you caring enough to want to do the right thing for the little lizards.