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Beadrded Dragon Care

22 14:26:55

have had a bearded dragon since it was a baby (Dec. '07).  It has been on paper towels...not too long ago we switched to wood chips, which was recommended to us from the place we purchased "Buddy" from.  Soon after, he became impacted from eating the wood chips.  Thankfully, after a few days, warm soaks and an enima from the vet, he was able to poop. Needless to say we immediately removed the wood chips and put him back on paper towels. We were wondering if there is anything else we could use for bedding...we figure that he would be happier if he could burrow into something at night. I worry that he would eat sand, too. Thanks!

Hello Jessica,

Oh great you were able to save him after those wood chips!  They are dangerous.  He is a lucky boy.
You can use tiles, non adhesive shelf liner, reptile carpet or butcher's paper.  Alot of people really like the tiles, they look nice & are easy to clean, too.
IF you do get any sand, do NOT get any of the sand in the reptile shops, they are calcium based & it impacts them.  Get the washed & sifted playsand which does not clump & has less risks of impaction.
