Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > spots on my bearded dragon

spots on my bearded dragon

22 14:26:53

HELP!! My bearded dragon is sick. She has not been wanting to be under her light, then her eating has stopped and today I came home and she has a blue/gray area on her l rear leg. It covers the outer thigh area and is on the scales. Also the same color is on the top bak of her head. What is this?? Im caring for her for a friend and do not have the money for the vet but will not allow her to die if I can help. Please advise.

How old is she or what length is she measured from her nose to the tip of her tail?

Is she shedding??
Does the skin look paler than her normal color and is it peeling anywhere?

Beardies will often not eat and can become lethargic right before a shed
Make sure that she is either misted if she is indeed shedding or soaked in a shallow container of warm water to help her shed

Would you be able to take a pic of her and include it in the reply to this?

That would give me a better idea if she is shedding and that would be my first guess going from what you have written

Let me know and we can try and go from there

Sandy aka LadyGecko