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sand for bearded dragon

22 14:59:37

hi i bought my bearded dragon as a subadult and i have now had him for 2 months how much longer should i wait before putting the sand substrate in? thanks chris

Hi Chris!
From what I know, sand can be in the tank at any age, so you can probably go ahead and put it in.

The only thing that you need to watch for is the size of the grains, young ones tend to try and eat bigger pebbles. If the grains are large, so can sift it to get ridd of big ones.
Based on the age you told me, he probablly won't be eating the sand. Make sure there aren't any silicia warnings for the sand if you are using sand made for sand boxes, which is perfect to use as well. Newspaper works also, but crickets tend to hide underneath it.
For cleaning, just use something like part of a window screen to "scoop the poop" like in a litter box for cats.

Good Luck with your bearded dragon!
best wishes, Chelsey