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22 11:54:10

I am probably getting a berber skink next month. I was wondering what kind if lizards can share a cage with a berber skink?

Hi Chris,

I apologize for the delay in responding. I somehow missed the e-mail alerting me to your question.

Mixing species is a controversial subject in reptile keeping and the most cautious advice is to stick to one species per enclosure. Potential disease transmission and inter-species aggression are the two primary concerns. Mixed community tanks are kept successfully by both small hobbyists and large zoos. Veteren keepers and breeders Richard and Patti Bartlett discuss important criteria to consider in this article.

Most importantly the species have to require the same environment and should be around the same size. Overly aggressive species or ones with an aggressive feeding response should be avoided. Males from different but similar species can still be violently territorial toward each other. Combining animals that occupy different areas of the tank and are active at different times will reduce interaction and food competition. Combining a nocturnal animal with one that is active during the day for example or a ground dweller with an arboreal one.
In your case, a nocturnal and arboreal gecko like the Crocodile gecko (which also tolerates low humidity) would be a suitable candidate.