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Water dragon poop and parasites?

22 13:58:18

QUESTION: Just today my boyfriend found a bit of orchid bark that had the white goop on it and when he looked closer, there appeared to be little white bugs on it. Not worms, but actually skittering bugs! Is this a sign of parasites or possibly one of the crickets/random insets that finds its way into the vivarium had something to do with it?

ANSWER:   Skittering bugs?  Could be mites.  Have the water dragon seen by a good reptile vet with a sample of the bugs to determine if they are on the dragon and the proper treatment.  Most mite sprays in pet stores don't work as well as what a vet can give you.  If she's in an outdoor enclosure, it could be anything that could get through.  And since you did not say where you are, I would have no clue to what bugs you'd have there.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: We've kept a close eye on every other stool sample we could find that wasn't in the water and so far we haven't seen anything else like that again. We're in the Midlands, UK so there is no way he would survive outside lol. He currently resides in the computer room where the temp is always warmer than the rest of the house, in a wooden vivarium. The closest reptile vet is quite a drive away from us but we plan on taking him in for a visit as soon as we can.

 Great that you are going to have him seen, in the meantime, give hiim a nice soak in the tub and clean out the tank of everything, throw away what can't be boiled and keep the tank as bare as possible with a minimum of boiled branches.  Use paper towel or non adhesive shelf liner in a color that if the dragon sheds more of these bugs you will see them.  Clean every day so he can't possibly re-infest himself.