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leapard gecko

22 13:32:39

hi. I got a leapard gecko for my son about a year ago and everything has been fine hes only 4 so cant do much his self so me and dad make sure everything is done properly and got everything he needs. But someis not right with him at the moment hes suddenly got like lums at each side of his head hes not responding like he normally does meaning hes normally very quick and stuff and hes been very slow and not doing much. Please could you get back 2 me. Thankyou x

Hello Lindsay,

Can you post a picture for me?  
What do you mean lumps on each side of his head?  
Can you tell me a little bit about the setup, that would help.  What type of substrate are you using, sand, tiles, paper towels?  Are you using an undertank heater along with a low wattage basking light on one end?
Are you leaving a small water dish in his tank too?
What foods are you feeding him?  Do you leave crickets in his tank for extended periods of time?  Are the lumps hard or soft?
