Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > Beardie


22 11:53:35

Hey Tracie,

I need to start a new Q & A thread. This is a response to your response/questions:

Hello Justin,

Wow, that was really fast!  Did you get the Reptisun 10 tube bulb?
How close is it to her?  
She is so weak that is why she isn't eating.  Try getting a swab & gently opening her mouth from the side & squirt some food into her mouth that way so she gets a taste.  I think if she gets a taste that she will want to try more of it.
Good luck.  
Which liquid calcium did you get?


Yes, I did get the ReptiSun 10.0 tube bulb. I thought I'd check out my local reptile store before ordering it online, and I found it!

It's the same distance as of right now. But I'll be getting some more rocks and logs, to bring the beardies closer to the lights. I don't really know how to bring the lights closer to the beardies, so It's the best I can do right now.

I managed to give her some food today with the syringe - squash baby food and some of the liquid calcium. The liquid calcium I got is ExoTerra Calcium Liquid Supplement. I'm not sure if there is a better kind to use, but this was the only one I could find available to me.

I've been reading about impaction, and it's gotten me worried. I've always used Calcium Sand as my substrate because it I thought the manufacturer's directions about how easily digestible (safe) it is was accurate. I understand this isn't always the case. I tried using reptile carpeting once before, but my beardie didn't adapt to that very well.

I've also been reading that Powerade/Gatorade is beneficial for beardies. Would you recommend mixing it in with her food? I'm also wondering if I should be giving her baths fairly often in luke warm water with some Powerade, which I also hear can be beneficial.



Hello Justin,

Wow that is amazing they actually had the Reptisun 10 tube bulb for you then.  Good, 6-8 inches would be much better for stronger exposure, alongside the basking light.
That is fine for the liquid calcium right now, she needs it.  What is the dose you are giving her?
I had wondered about the impaction but did not mention it.  Have you ever noticed her eating the sand?  The calcium based sand will not digest actually.  It clumps up hard as cement when it gets wet which causes impactions.  She could be partially impacted though.  I would use non adhesive shelf liner, it is much better.  
You could dilute the gatorade or powerade to give to her.  Do 3 parts water and 1 part gatorade mix.  You can mix it with her food.  Use a non flavored or clear gatorade if you are going to soak her in it for a bath.  They do absorb moisture through their skin/vent area.
That is great you got some food into her!

Let me know how she is doing.
