Pet Information > ASK Experts > Exotic Pets > Reptiles > anole ?

anole ?

22 15:01:09

I have a green anole(sp) who has a wart type bump by his you know if this is a concern for his health. two of his cage mates have died in the last 2 weeks. should i be concerned?    thank you   d

Dear Danielle,
thank you for your question.
Please see a vet with your anole. I cannot answer your question because I have no medical training and even a qualified vet would not be able to say much without having seen the animal.
But I do think that the recent deaths of his cagemates is a cause for concern, you need to find out what they died from.
If you don't know where to find a herp vet, you may find one near you here:
I'm sorry that i cannot be of more help to you