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Fat tailed gecko not eating & lethargic

22 14:45:09

Last week I noticed that one of my geckos was turning pale as if he was about to shed.  Whe we returned from a weekend out of town, I saw him and thought for sure he was dead.  He was pale and unresponsive to noise.  My son ended up touching him and he moved, so we called the pet store and they said he needed to shed to prevent him from suffocating.  So, I put him in some warm water baths and was able to very gently help him lose his dead skin.  However, he continues to not eat and has his eyes closed almost constantly.  I'm afraid he is dehydrated or hungry or all of the above, but that he doesn't have the energy to help himself.  We have tried giving him Fluker's Emergency Aid for reptiles, with limited success.  I just don't know what to do, and I hate thinking that he is just wasting away.  He does appear quite fat, however.  I keep calling him a "he" because my son named him "Tim", but I don't know -- could he really be a "she" and be pregnant?  We also have another gecko in the cage.

It's possible the Tim could be female and pregnant, but that wouldn't cause him/her to be letharic and sick.

Try forcing him to take some unflavored pedialyte mixed with veal or chicken baby food.  You can also mix in calcium and vitamins.  This should give him a little more energy.  Just keep a close eye on him to make sure he's not losing a large about of weight.  If he does, you should take him to see the vet.